Loreen Washington
Senior Vice President, Managing Director of Media Operations
As senior vice president, managing director of media operations, Loreen Washington oversees operations and training for the national, local and direct response media departments. Loreen also manages all aspects of accounts to ensure delivery of schedules on behalf of ICON clients.
During her tenure at ICON, Loreen is most proud of the broadcast training programs she established which has led to the development of great talent. She is also proud of her successful inventory deal negotiations that have contributed to the overall success of the company.

Most People Don’t Know…Loreen’s favorite past time is interior decorating which she once considered pursuing as a career.
Loreen joined ICON in 2002 with a myriad of broadcast experience. While she was a junior at college, Loreen interned at Y & R in their national broadcast department. After graduating Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, she worked in the national broadcast unit at TN Media (formerly known as FCB) for almost nine years. Prior to joining ICON, Loreen was an account executive at KingWorld.