Michael J. Mazzeo
Senior Vice President, Managing Director
Mike Mazzeo began working at ICON with the inside sales team in 2010. After displaying great interest and success in prospecting and bringing clients to the table he transitioned to vice president of business development.
Day-to-day Mike meets with prospects to better understand their business needs and specific challenges they are trying to overcome. He then converts them into clients by providing a financial solution for their problems.

Most People Don’t Know That… Mazzeo was an All-American Lacrosse Player at Sacred Heart University in 1995.
When Mike joined ICON he made a career change. Prior, he spent 10 years in the lumber business managing accounts for Princeton Forest Products and Mid State Lumber. After meeting with someone at ICON and learning about barter, Mike decided he wanted to change career paths.
Mike prides himself on his positive attitude about work and play, and enjoys many extra-curricular activities, such as lacrosse and coaching lacrosse for his children. Mike graduated from Sacred Heart University with a BS in English.